Музыкальное произведение I'm Too Cool For You я это в лагере буду петь


Время: 02:53 | Лайков: 0 | Заходов: 524 | Автор: Эшли Тисдейл или Гелетюк Соня

I'm Too Cool  For You я это в лагере буду петь рисунок


I'm too cool for my dress
These shades don't leave my head
Everything you say is so irrelevant
You follow and I lead
You want to be like me
But your just a wannabe
love it or hate it

I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

Cause I'm too cool
Yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you
You think your hot but I'm sorry, you're not
Exactly who you think you are
Can't tell you what you haven't got
When we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

Lucky I'm so nice
Even I'm surprised
You are still allowed to be in my crew
Show you how it's done
If you want to be someone
Just watch me and you'll learn some

Me, myself, and I agree
You'll never catch up with me

Cause I'm too cool
Yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you
You think your hot but I'm sorry, you're not
Exactly who you think you are
Can't tell you what you haven't got
When we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

You see I'm all beauty, brains, and talents
I got it all
Well others have to try all their lives
Still they never get the call
That's the difference between you and me
I'm a natural
I'm the real deal

I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

But I'm too cool
Yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

Too cool
Yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

Подборка Кристине Мартиашвили. «A song for you» Ray Charles. Х-фактор 6. Второй тренировочный лагерь

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Я буду делать это

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по вечерам привычка-твоя страничка

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Я буду красивой невестой

Школа Это Мир

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Знаю и верю-это любовь моя,я буду твоей,береги меня

, Но ты не заметишь, но ты не поймешь, Что это всего лишь горькая ложь.

Пусть это буду я

Гоша Рубчинский

[Вспомни или забудь, знаешь это сложно. Можно чуть-чуть я буду в прошлом?..]

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